Pc monitoring
The application of commercial PC computer opens the space for using a wide range of its resources. Software for central surveliance is realized on personal computer under the operative system WINDOWS or UNIX (Linux).
Functions of computer are the following:
- Acquisition of information about a complete state of local systems
- Programming of parameters of integral system through the menu (password for manipulation, types of zones - manual/automatic, alarm delays…),
- Switching of zones on/off,
- Acknowledgement and resetting of fire alarms and faults,
- Automatic printing of important events with the exact time of their origin,
- Memorizing of these events on a disc,
- Graphic presentation of the protected space on a graphic monitor with the possibility of picture zooming in a few levels, with specially marked zones in alarm. In normal state (without any alarms) there is on the screen a presentation of complete protected space. In cases of alarms, the area in alarm state is marked by red colour. It is possible for the user, by pressing the determined key, to obtain on the screen a picture of the following level in which you can precisely see the location where the alarm came from,
- To determine about alarm criteria and to forward instructions about executive functions to local control panels,
- Remote signalisation by public phone network (a modem connection with the city fire brigade).
All mentioned operations are realized so that the user can handle it very easily (user friendly).Since a computer can be connected into a network, the possibilities to upgrade such an integrated system are practically unlimited. Computers connected with a separate group of fire control panels could be connected into a network. Also additional computers can be tied into a network, e.g. computers from the system of attendance control or the computer in the director's office. One of the computers can take the role of communicating with the city fire brigade. Since we talk about a network of computers, all the advantages of it are available. By this we mean sharing of resources such as printers or memory capacities (hard discs). An applicative software enables that each computer connected with the network has information from all control panels that are in the system, or if we want so, from only some of them. It is also possible to give instructions to all of these control panels by each of these computers. Of course, only the authorized persons can do this, which is provided by the system of passwords with different priorities.
Available network communication interfaces are RS485/Ethernet/GSM-GPRS,...